
Showing posts from 2010

how to download whole website with wget

wget is incredible software you don't any fancy program to download entire site for offline browsing you can use wget -m WEBSITEURLTODOWNLOAD

how to get yesterday in bash shell script

YESTERDAY=`date --date=yesterday +'%Y%m%d'` echo $YESTERDAY

converting utf8 file to ascii

iconv --from-code UTF-8 --to-code US-ASCII -c inputfile > outputfile

installing Scrapy in shared server environment

installing Scrapy in shared server environment as easy as below you only need to define install directory easy_install --install-dir=/home/py/www/programs/ -U Scrapy

recovering /etc/fstab file

if you place errornous enrty in /etc/fstab after rebooting your system run following command to edit etc/fstab file mount -w -o remount /

sqlldr primary key column with null values

It's nice to be here i mean in my oracle blog again after a long time period :) I will tell you how can you populate primary key column with getting data from sequence when you insert data with sqlloader. for instance think about table structure below create table T_SERVICE_AVAILABILITY_ID ( ID NUMBER, HOSTNAME VARCHAR2(50), VRFNAME VARCHAR2(50), VRFSTATUS VARCHAR2(5), DATEX DATE ) and you want to load data such as HOST01,SERVICE1,up,26/01/10 09:48:40 HOST01,SERVICE1,up,26/01/10 09:48:40 HOST01,SERVICE2,down,26/01/10 09:48:41 as you see here we have an id column on table but not in data so we must create appropriate trigger and sequence pair to get pk values from trigger I'm skipping this step, it's pretty easy then our control.ctl file should be like below format LOAD DATA BADFILE 'import.bad' APPEND INTO TABLE T_SERVICE_AVAILABILITY_ID FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' TRAILING NULLCOLS ( HOSTNAME CHAR NULLIF HOSTNAME = BLA