
Showing posts from August, 2008

annoying broken images problem after apex installation solved

you decided to upgrade your apex 3.1 everyting fine you executed installation script and then pointed your browser to localhost:8080/apex very nice page opened but some images missing and javascript doesntwork you read some blog posts about this problem and they say execute @apxldimg script like below say directory_you_unzipped_apex_zip = d:\apex @apxldimg.sql directory_you_unzipped_apex_zip -> this is wrong ! when i look inside apxldimg.sql i saw create directory APEX_IMAGES as '&1/apex/images'; so you should use this script as parent_directory_you_unzipped_apex_zip = d:\ @apxldimg.sql parent_directory_you_unzipped_apex_zip after script is loading images to database xml

how to switch between multiple oracle home (version) on same machine

there is a nice tool for switching oracle homes in universal installer from installed products on environment tab just send up your choise and apply it

installing apex to 11g

i have installed 11g to windows xp, you know apex 3.0 which is coming bundled with 11g , after the installation i followed this great tutorial provided by oracle and successfuly started to use apex